Market Analysis – Nov 13th.

Sweet rally! Wow nice on an unexpected day. I was expecting that either tomorrow (Friday) or Monday next week but mostly Tuesday. In my real trading account, the funds are frozen in a bad call with being all in. So can’t do anything until that frees up. There was a standing sell order set to sell my calls at .05. The day’s range shows  to be 0.01 – 0.05. However, those calls didn’t sell. Don’t know what to say about that.

In a practice account, I’m up $2,000 dollars. From an initial capital of $5,000. Bought some AAPL Nov 95 calls, Some MSFT Nov 20 calls, and 1 GOOG Nov 300 call. Those all made good money today.

Market analysis is a weird thing. Most online traders are predicting an green tomorrow. It would seem to be likely.

Market Analysis - Nov. 13th
Market Analysis - Nov. 13th.