So DOW is Signaling a Longterm Buy

So there’s not signal per se, indicating that buying should start. However, DOW was at a high of 14K one time. Now it’s at 7K. 50% retracement, over few months. It would mean that overall the direction might be whatever, this should pullback to the upside a little. For good or temporarily. Either way that would be a good buy.

Looking at the DOW chart, it shows it might go down. But it’s seeming unlikely based on new activity not shown on chart.


DOW Analysis
DOW Analysis

Market Analysis – Nov. 18th.

Market Analysis - Nov. 18th.
Market Analysis - Nov. 18th

Today’s rally was a rally that turned into a selloff and then came back to again close green. Mixed reaction. Gave the impression that it should open green tomorrow. Some relief. Although, the DOW is still at 8420.00 or so. Not very high.

Saw this rally in the morning and bought some SPY calls. Toward the after noon those were. But closed very good. Bought at 4.98 and set a sell for 6. It closed at 6.3 but the practice account didn’t sell those. Don’t know why. Up a $1,020 by the end. Those are Dec. calls so they have some time. Although, last time I blew my account with MSFT calls, I thought there’s a whole month for them to go up and MSFT only went down. 🙂

Market Analysis – Nov 17th.

So the market falls 200 points! Just when you think it’s fallen enough it must provide a little relief, it continues it’s own trend. This is extreme fear or worry driving the sellers. Also the traders are definitely actively trading and driving prices in sizable swings.

And thanks Google for changing the image format.

Market Analysis - Nov. 17th.
Market Analysis - Nov. 17th

Market Analysis – Nov 13th.

Sweet rally! Wow nice on an unexpected day. I was expecting that either tomorrow (Friday) or Monday next week but mostly Tuesday. In my real trading account, the funds are frozen in a bad call with being all in. So can’t do anything until that frees up. There was a standing sell order set to sell my calls at .05. The day’s range shows  to be 0.01 – 0.05. However, those calls didn’t sell. Don’t know what to say about that.

In a practice account, I’m up $2,000 dollars. From an initial capital of $5,000. Bought some AAPL Nov 95 calls, Some MSFT Nov 20 calls, and 1 GOOG Nov 300 call. Those all made good money today.

Market analysis is a weird thing. Most online traders are predicting an green tomorrow. It would seem to be likely.

Market Analysis - Nov. 13th
Market Analysis - Nov. 13th.

Market Analysis – Nov 12th

This market is just getting more and more volatile. In reality, I keep hoping for an upturn soon. Mainly because of the MSFT calls I’m holding, but it hasn’t happened yet. On the other hand, it was over two weeks ago that I was hoping that MSFT would be way up by now. I was confident that these calls would not only be profitable but might even be doubling the investment. But I hadn’t ever seen the time value corrode in realtime before. So here we are and the time value is dropping fast. My sell to close order hasn’t executed in days despite constantly being lowered. An idea occurs to me. Given time, I could send more money to the brokerage and buy crap load of calls at .01 and then my .44 average would really be down to .1. Then I could get out at .05 and it would still save me half my original investment. However, while buying 200 contracts is not a problem at .01 (it’s only 200 dollars), the per-contract commission per trade will be is $100 (at .50 per contract). So there’s a big loss on that front. It would seem to be better to just leave it alone.

DOW closed lower on higher volume. Scary. I could have played some DXD calls or something like that and it would actually had made money. However, with each pullback in the downturn, it seems as if the bears have beat down enough and a rally is starting. Then the fear of losing money kicks in. Then it falls again. Only showing how much money could have been made. Since the market has been down for so long, it seems as if a good rally will take place soon enough. Simply because it has been down long enough and lot of investors and traders would be eager to get back to work. However, that’s what I thought two weeks ago and a rally took place but the markets fell right back.

The one comforting thought in this is that the DOW still made a higher low than the previous low. RSI headed down, Buying pressure turned into big selling pressure. Still less selling pressure than before. This candle was almost a black marubozu. Which is strong down candle. So it would seem a little pullback tomorrow should be in order. But again, some numbers are to be released tomorrow. Those might have already been priced in today’s fall or might still affect securities when released.

Market Analysis - Nov. 12th.
Market Analysis - Nov. 12th.

UltraShorts – What are they?

What are these UltraShorts? Are these some kind of stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc? Or are these just regular shorts made out of jeans?

Well, the Ultrashorts are sort of a fund that go in the opposite direction of the underlying Index. I will give a brief explanation below, however, you shoudl read ProShares site to get more details.

In short, the ProShares are ETFs that are designed to be traded like any stock using any brokerage. These are funds that go in the opposite direction of the underlying index. There are Short ProShares and then Ultra Short ProShares. Short ProShares are designed to go up when the index goes down and vice versa. Ultra Shorts are designed to give double yield. Hence, the Ultra part.


Short Dow30SM

This will go against the DOW movement. So on down days, you buy this and expect it to go higher.

UltraShort Dow30SM

Others shorts/ultrashorts: QID (Nasdag 100 UltraShort), PSQ (Nasdag 100 Short).

So these shorts provide for a generic way to trade the market/index itself as opposed to trading a given stock which may or may not be trading along with your index.

Market Analysis – Nov 10th.

Well, the market went up in the morning but couldn’t just take all the bad news. Circuit City is doing under financially. It is not known yet, if the company will make it out of bankruptcy. Most companies do not make it out. Then there is GM. They are asking for money. They are almost as good as bankrupt. Not quite, but almost. They’re saying that they do not have operating funds for the next year. Some one said, this is the best time to buy GM. Nope! Why would you spend your money when:

  1. It doesn’t go to GM, so doesn’t help them.
  2. The company is going bankrupt. If they come back the stock will be different. This stock will be worthless.
  3. The desperate need for help hasn’t been met with a definite help promise.

Then some investors fear the China deal for their financial package is not good enough and will let the Chinese economy crash as well as the rest of the ones that are crashing. Lot of red numbers!

Tomorrow, seems to be set to go up a little. However, someone said the job reports and other numbers come out tomorrow. If those aren’t nice, it might be Wednesday before we see a green day.

Market Analysis - Nov. 10th.
Market Analysis - Nov. 10th.

Market Analysis – Nov 7th.

OK, the market is still not liking any given direction. Just trying to make up it’s mind.

Market Analysis - Nov. 7th.
Market Analysis - Nov. 7th.


One day, red the next green. This looks promissing however, on a Friday green doesn’t happen often. Don’t know what to think at this point.

MSFT is still not looking all that great.

MSFT - Nov. 7th.
MSFT - Nov. 7th.


P.S. This post is backdated to 7th. The notes are from the 7th, the post is made on the 10th.

Trading Rules And Their Importance

It is a good idea to stop and make a rule review. There has been so many good plays the last few days. Yesterday alone was a guaranteed to be a money maker on down stocks. OK, there’s no guarantees in the market so the previous statement is not accurate. It maybe just hindsight. However, in general there have been many opportunities the last few days that I couldn’t take advantage of because I made one stupid mistake: I went all in on my previous trade. That trade has lost me most of the account (95.43% at the time of this entry), and has kept me away from the market in the last couple of weeks. The market has been volatile and that is a great thing for option traders because it causes premiums to really rise.

With high volatility comes high risk or capital loss. So to ensure capital safety, one must exercise great caution in:

  1. Determining the correct side of the trade
  2. Not forcing a trade
  3. Adhering to the money management plan very carefully.

I hope that in the next trade, I will use better judgement and not use most of my emotions but rather most of my money management plan.