Is Zecco Stealing From Customers? No!

So checked the account balance today. It should be $1138.02. It shows $1137.98. Looking at actual sale/purchase data, it should be $1138.035 or $1138.02 as it showed yesterday.

Maybe someone at Zecco watched office space and got the idea that they could steal pennies….

Calling them now to verify.

Update: So Zecco is not stealing from customers. Those are SEC fees. Total of 4 cents are missing. There have been 6 options trades in my account so far. First one to buy and sell 1 contract. That’s probably what they didn’t charge commission for. The next two were buy 10 then 8 to average down and then sell 18 (which executed as 10 and 8 block trades) exit. So roughly the SEC is charging 1% of .001% of the total trade value. Don’t see how that would add up to 4 cents. However, willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Will investigate it more.

Gotta love capitalism. Two .01’s add to .04.